Terence McCullagh (Tully McCully), who has produced all the Falling Mirror albums, has remixed the Revolver Wolf, a track taken off their Hystorical album. Provisional artwork for single. (c) Songwrights Publishers Falling Mirror were a somewhat off the wall, one might say cult rock band from Cape Town, South Africa (SA), fronted by singer and co-author of their songs, Nielen Mirror (Marais). The group were mostly a studio outfit that included Nielen's songwriting partner, Allan Faull and drummer, Pat Humphreys, though they did perform live on a few occasions. Tully has beefed up the guitars to make the song into a solid rocker, quite different to the original production. Naturally he has featured guitar player Allan Faull. Allan's solo is a highlight of the new production. The new mix is a little longer than the original. The single is slated for a 1st of October release. Links - https://orcd.co/r4vmexd https://music.apple.com/za/album/revolver-wolf-feat-allan-faull-r